Our Specialties

Yog Samadhi


No Of Days :21 Days

Objective : Perfect Body Health, Peace of Mind & Mental Stability, Perfect Intellectual Clarity and Higher spritual Knowledge and awareness

Coverage : Hath Yoga ,Karma Yoga ,Japa Yoga & Raja Yoga

Target Group : Experienced yoga practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of the ancient wisdom of yoga and learn how to apply it to their daily lives.

People who are interested in learning about Indian spirituality, philosophy, and culture, and how they relate to yoga practice.

Individuals who are looking for a more immersive experience that allows them to explore their inner world and connect with their true selves.

Those who are interested in learning advanced yoga techniques such as pranayama, meditation, and yoga nidra.

People who want to learn about Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, and how to incorporate its principles into their lives for optimal health and wellness.